I really have no idea how I haven't known about this product before. Everyone should own this. Be warned though, it does contain mild nudity. I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll agree that the nudity is well done and actually needed.

So open up your wallets, free your minds and enjoy the Washlet!


Rae said...

Funny! Where do you find these weird things!?!

Shawna said...

I have no words, except....Amazing.

Princess Lisa said...

That was tastefully done. You're right...the nudity was needed. IT would have been expressed any other way! It would have been just gratuitous nudity if they had used the butt crack as the smile.

Chredna said...

I bought my washlet about a month ago ont he easy-pay plan and I-JUST-LOVE-IT!
I got the additional "popscicle" feature for the morning after I eat spicy food.