There is nothing I love more than pointless useless Christmas gifts. Things I would never buy for myself but always secretly want to have. Natalie gave me one such present this Christmas. ShamWOW!

I ,like most people, think Vince from the ShamWOW commercial is great. He is the slimiest carny on T.V. His over the top one liners sold me! "Are you following this Camera guy?"

First thing I noticed was that they are not very soft. But who cares when they hold 20 times their weight when absorbing fluids. Second thing I noticed was how light they are. 20 times can't be that much.

One day I was done showering and surprise surprise. All the towels were in the laundry. Never fear! ShamWOW's were near! I used a shamwow to dry off. This is a bit like normal sized person using a washcloth to dry off. To my surprise it did pretty well. Kind of like a towel.

Of course after I used it as a towel we washed it. Fortunately it came out much softer. Next I used it as a bath rug when getting out of the shower. Just like the commercial said it did the job! Kind of like a bath rug except with out the hassle of a bigger area and better looking style of a bath rug.

Overall I think the Shamwow product is great if your looking for a towel that isn't as soft or good looking as a towel. If you like towels I would save your 20 bucks!

Next up, Mighty Putty, The Caulk Dr. Pro, Aqua Globes, Power Trainer Pro and The Steam Buddy. Hopefully. We'll see what next Christmas brings.

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Natalie said...

Buyer beware!! I ordered these in plenty of time for Christmas but they didn't arrive until after Christmas. They said they can't it takes 3-4 weeks to recieve. They didn't tell me that until after I ordered them. I can only assume that they are in such High demand they can't keep up!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever own a ShamWOW. I can only assume after reading this insightful review that the Sham is more appropriate than the WOW! But, it is made in Germany and those Krauts are engineering geniuses. I think I speak for lonely insomniacs everywhere when I say,"Thanks ShamWOW for endless half hour slots of early morning entertainment!"

Rae said...

Bryan, you are such a nut! I can't really believe you fell for that silly commercial for the "Sham-Wow". But I am glad to see you are resourceful in using it when there were no bath towels around, I just can't help but wonder why you took it in the bathroom in the first place, did you know ahead of time that there were no towels?

Bryan said...

Grandma-Natalie fetched me the shamwow when I realized there were no towels. I can't believe you didn't fall for that commercial. It's made in Germany so you know its good!

the Cheerful Optimist said...

Thanks, ShamWOW saves the day!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the Tip.

Harbison Family said...

Thanks, I love that commercial and have to agree that the Germans sure know what they are doing. I actually can't wait for further product evals.

Chredna said...

I got a SamWOW for Christmas too! Why didn't we go over this at Disneyland??!